Current State of Programs and Meetings, 2021-2025:
- WRAM Annual Virtual Conference occurs each year in March
- Grant programs continue each quarter including Annual Equipment Grant, Educational Support Grants, Annual Conference Registration Support Grants, and Rabies/Titer Check Sponsorship Grants
- Annual Educational Luncheon with raffle Occurs each year in October
- WRAM Mentorship program continues grow and thrive
- WRAM Slack App increases in usage each year and is a useful tool in professional communication and networking for wildlife rehabilitation field
- WRAM Online Educational Seminar Series continues each year
- Membership numbers continually grow each year including members from 16 states and Canada
- WRAM general duties, programming, and responsibilities continue to grow each year
- March 1992: Description of what WRAM would be drafted by Massachusetts Wildlife Rehabilitation Steering Committee
- April 1992: First WRAM Newsletter written and distributed
- August 1992: WRAM incorporation papers written
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- WRAM essentially defunct. WRAM, at this time, had zero members, 2 board members, and only $500
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- February 2014: All hands meeting at Tufts Wildlife Clinic to discuss the future of WRAM and the wildlife rehabilitation program.
- June 2014: A new WRAM Advisory committee meeting was held, led by Whitney Stiehler – representatives included reps from NEWC, Tufts Wildlife Clinic, Cape Wildlife Center, existing WRAM board members(2), and licensed wildlife rehabilitators
- November 2014: First official board meeting in 2 years, WRAM board members: Jack Feeney, Linda Dumas, Deb Millman, Whitney Stiehler, Paul Giguere
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- March 2015: First in-person Annual Conference at Tufts in 5 years
- March 2015: Rewrite of rehabilitation study guide and exam questions underway
- April 2015: First in-person collaboration meeting with WRAM and Mass F&W at Westboro Headquarters, Tom French and Whitney Stiehler
- June 2015: First Newsletter publication in 3 years
- September 2015: First ever New England Wildlife Center Wildlife Rehabilitation Skills Course offered
- October 2015: Wildlife Rehabilitation State Examination Study Guide revised 2nd edition published on Mass F&W webpage for first time along with new wildlife rehabilitation information packet
- October 2015: New permit exam with revised questions being utilized
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- January 2016: First major WRAM website revamp creating members area and public area
- February 2016: First ever WRAM in person teaching labs offered – Avian Bandaging and Techniques Lab at Tufts by Dr. Lynn Miller
- March 2016: WRAM Annual Conference at Tufts
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- March 2017: WRAM Annual Conference at Tufts
- April 2017: WRAM Fluid Therapy Lab at Tufts by Dr. Robert Adamski and Dr. Priya Patel
- October 2017: Wildlife Rehabilitation Pharmacology Lab at Tufts by Dr. Robert Adamski
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- March 2018: WRAM Annual Conference at Tufts
- March 2018: WRAM Wildlife Triage Lab at Tufts with Dr. Paula Rodriguez
- October 2018: WRAM Splinting Lab at Tufts by Dr. Robert Adamski
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- January 2019: WRAM supply program introduced with rollout of WRAM Marketplace
- March 2019: WRAM Annual Conference at Tufts, first ever panel discussion at conference – panelists: Tom French, Stephanie Ellis of Wild Care, Maureen Murray of Tufts, and Priya Patel of Cape Wildlife Center
- August-October 2019: First ever in-person Lab Series Program; 3 labs over three months designed for a beginner- advanced level teaching series, from triage to nutrition to parasitology and treatment at Tufts by Dr. Rob Adamski
- September 2019: WRAM participates in Wildlife Rehabilitation Working Group related to H. 317, An Act Relative to Wildlife Rehabilitators
- October 2019: WRAM first ever $750 stipend program, offered to support the attendance to the 2020 NWRA Symposium in South Padre Island, Texas
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- March 2020: COVID-19
- March 2020: WRAM Annual conference cancelled at the last minute, due to COVID-19
- June 2020: First ever WRAM Online Educational Seminars begin
- July 2020: Major collaboration with Mass F&W and WRAM: SARS CoV-2 Bat intake protocols created and approved for Massachusetts; MA leads the nation in this rehabilitation effort
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- January 2021: Animal Control Officer (ACO) species-specific how-to pamphlet series created
- January 2021: Approved CE certificates created for all WRAM events to comply with Mass F&W permit regulation
- January 2021: Second WRAM Website redesign rolled out
- March 2021: First ever Virtual WRAM Conference – 284 registrants
- April 2021: New Slack Communications Platform App offered to membership
- May 2021: First ever WRAM Mentorship Program officially rolled out to membership
- August 2021: First ever Educational Support Grants rollout for the first time
- September 2021: Wildlife Rehabilitation State Examination Study Guide 3rd edition published
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- January 2022: 1st WRAM Annual Rehabber Equipment Support Grant offered
- March 2022: First time all 4 major MA Wildlife Centers are represented on WRAM Board
- June 2022: WRAM receives major grant funding with donor support
- August 2022: First Rabies Vaccine Grant introduced membership
- October 2022: First Annual in-person Educational Luncheon
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- January 2023: Third Major WRAM Website redesign and rollout
- March 2023: Annual Virtual Conference
- March 2023: Equipment/Educational Support Grants open up
- October 2023: Second annual in-person Educational Luncheon
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- March 2024: Annual Virtual Conference
- September 2024: WRAM agrees to assist on all rehabilitator facility site inspections as liaison for state, environmental police, and rehabilitator – attended first one in July 2024
- September 2024: A new partnership with Mass Audubon, the Rescue Raptor Partnership is established
- October 2024: In-Person Educational Lab Series returns with Regional offerings
- October 2024: Third annual In-Person Educational Luncheon
- December 2024: New partnership established: WRAM speaks at MVMA (Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association), an annual engagement with the goal to improve the communication and coordination with the veterinary community
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- January 2025: Important informational and outreach meetings with Mass F&W and state officials to establish improved partnerships with wildlife rehabilitation going forward
- March 2025: Annual Virtual Conference
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WRAM Presidents and official terms of service:
1992 - 2000
Amber Santangelo
2000 - 2001
Sally Beckwith
2001 - 2005
Darlene Christensen
2005 - 2013
Fran Feeney
None, rebuild year
(Whitney Stiehler as
working group leader)
2014 - 2025
Whitney Stiehler